Thursday, November 22, 2018

Form And Functios

Assalamualaikum and hi guys. I have a new assignment that I would like to share to all that I have to do about "Form And Functions". This assignment is done in groups. I'm in pairs with Mirza Faris. We were given a piece of paper and there were pictures there. Me and my spouse need to understand the meaning behind the picture and must be played. I only have a script. So I hope everyone enjoy my script and understand the storyline.  I as a seller and my partner as a buyer

Mirza : Hello , did you sell a Adidas Neo shoes ?
Atif :    Hello , yes I am . What you size you want and what colour you want ?
Mirza :I want size 7.5 and I want a dark blue colour . 
Atif :   Wait for a second sir . I want to check first .
Mirza : Alright .
                                        A few minutes ago............

Atif :  This is the shoes that you have just recently. adidas neo shoes are dark blue and the size is 7.5 correct           or not?
Mirza : Yes I am . Can I try it first
Atif    : Okay sir you can try first . if you want to buy you just go to the  counter payments for buy it .
Mirza : Okay thank you .


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